I've come across a couple of interesting products that help to visualize your usage in real time allowing you to actively change your energy use habits.
1. Power Conscience concept by Delroy Dennisur

The leaf graphic on the front of this gorgeous power monitor glows to show your energy usage. The leaves start to turn yellow as consumption rises, reflecting the effect you are having on the planet's natural resources. Numeric data shows your high and low consumption rates and times.
2. The Home Joule by Ambient

The Energy Joule, in combination with Consumer Powerline, monitors the price of energy (based on demand) throughout the day. The data is visualized on as different colors on the Energy Joule screen. Users can adjust their consumption accordingly to save money.
3. EDF Energy Saving Adaptor by Gilles Belley

Labels: Energy
The Greener Grass is produced by Kaleidoscope, a product development consultancy in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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